Ready for your dog to come when calledevery time?

No dog trainer needed.

No magic tricks required.

You just need…

The Reliable Recall!


Only $37!

Click to add the Reliable Recall training, workbook, and complete system to dramatically improve your dog's recall so they come when called — every time — for just $37 (usually $197)!

In this workshop, we’ll teach you how to train your dog so they come when you call them—every time!

"Why does my dog need a reliable recall?” you might ask...

The reality:

You don’t think you need a reliable recall…

Until you need it.

(Cue: dramatic music.)

And you learn fast just how much you need it.

You learn how much you really need a reliable recall in those moments like:

When your dog is running into harm’s way or oncoming traffic…

When your dog is being “overly friendly“ with someone and that person wants to be left alone…

When your dog is thinking about eating something that could hurt them…

When your dog is chasing a larger wild animal (and you know it won’t be a fair fight)…

Or simply when you want them at your side and don’t want to have to offer up the nearest raw steak to make it happen.

But imagine being in those precarious moments... and having a reliable recall.

Imagine calling your dog’s name…

And they turn on a dime and run to you.

Imagine the peace of mind you’d have knowing you’d be able to lead your dog and advocate for them when they needed you the most.

You don’t need to be a professional dog trainer…

You don’t need magical powers...

And you definitely don’t need an endless supply of treats. Having a reliable recall isn’t just the stuff of dog food commercials and 50s sitcoms…

It can be your reality.

With the Reliable Recall, you’ll get everything you need to successfully train your dog to have a bulletproof recall—in any scenario.

Click the button below to purchase Reliable Recall — a $197 value. Only $37!

Reliable Recall includes:

One-hour training video walking you through the entire Reliable Recall system

Interactive workbook to help you better implement the system with your whole family

Quick reference cheatsheet that you can take with you on-the-go

Step-by-step, day-by-day plan so you know what to focus on and when to proof this new skill with your dog

And—as an added bonus—The Reliable Recall is fun!

You’ll love working through the training with your whole family, and it can be incredibly empowering for your overall relationship with your dog.

(Dogs like it, too!)

Bottom line:

Regardless of your dog training skills (or lack thereof)…

Regardless of your dog’s age, breed, or personality…

You, too, can have all of the confidence and security that a reliable recall can bring you!

In Reliable Recall, you’ll get the step-by-step, day-by-day plan you need to set you (and your dog) up for success.

Got questions? We've got answers!

How much time will I need to go through Reliable Recall?

We've designed this program to give you a reliable recall within 6 to 8 weeks. With consistent short training sessions, you'll find your dog coming to you in no time.

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Who is Reliable Recall for?

This program is for you if you have a dog. I don't know anything about cats, but if you have a dog, you have found yourself on more than one occasion wishing your dog came when you called them.

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Does this work for all breeds and ages?

Absolutely! No matter the breed or age this program works, period. 

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Does my dog need prior obedience training to succeed with Reliable Recall?

Nope. We cover all the training you need to achieve success in this program. Your dog could be brand new to you or a friend you've had for years, but never formally trained, this program will work regardless. 

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Can you guarantee that my dog can come when called if I implement this workshop?

If you are consistent, diligent, and stay the course of this program, you will definitely see wonderful success. Because all dogs and situations are different, the timeline may vary, but if you keep up with the practice, you dog will come when you call them.

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If I’m already working with another dog trainer, with this conflict with that?

Not at all. The system we teach for a reliable recall will pair very well with any program you are already doing. In fact, most dog trainers would probably love to hear you are doing this extra work outside of class!

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My dog doesn’t listen to me, period. How will I be able to use this successfully?

The beauty of this program is that it helps you carve space out in your day to just spend time with your dog. A dog who doesn't listen is a dog who doesn't have a good relationship with their owner. Through this program, you will learn to build a better relationship with your dog. Your dog listening to you will be a happy side effect.

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What’s the refund policy?

Due to the brief and digital nature of The Reliable Recall, we do not offer refunds. 

But you don't have to cross your fingers and hope it’ll work! We’ve tested this for over a decade and literally thousands of clients and their dogs. When you stick with it, it works!

Ready to call your dog's name and have them turn on a dime—every time?

Grab Reliable Recall today!


Only $37!

Click the button below add the Reliable Recall training, workbook, and complete system to dramatically improve your dog's recall so they come when called — every time — for just $37 (usually $197)!

© 2021 | Pocket Dog Trainer, LLC
